
A couple of weeks back I had the pleasure of meeting Food Consultant Becky Brown from SimpliciB live on our Facebook group (for supporting small businesses), called  Eureka. And what a joy it was! Becky’s genuine, kind and bubbly energy was refreshing and incredibly welcoming. In our first edition of the Eureka moments blog series, Becky talks candidly about her career and the birth of her business, SimpliciB.

Where in the UK do you live, and with whom?

I live in the Midlands – born and bred and I share my home with my dog, Mia – although some may say that I share her home.

How do you normally start your day? What do you do first?

I am a huge believer in affirmations and attraction, this is always how I start every morning. I then take my dog for her walk (I told you she rules the house) We are out for an hour, and it is time for me to clear my head and enjoy the walk. Then the day really begins.

What’s your office/workspace like?

I am truly fortunate to work from home since our global pandemic. My work as an improvement expert has allowed me to travel the world but it comes with a lot of early mornings, time away from my family and feeling very tired. The company I work for has changed my contract to working from home unless essential travel is required. This has given me an incredible work/life balance and allowed me to start SimpliciB which is a huge passion for me – helping others through food.

What does the rest of your day look like?

I have recently been promoted at work and I am really enjoying it. Getting to help our various functions truly bring value to their roles. I plan my day (I am a planner) so that I have clear and achievable goals for the day. I get logged on and do my work, but I always make sure I take an hour’s lunch. Catch up on social media, make a lunch, do a little workout and now sit out in the garden. After lunch, I continue with my work. Mia will get her second walk; I cook my tea then work on SimpliciB.

Tell us about your business: what was your Eureka moment?

My business is called SimpliciB – it is a play on words of simplicity but with a B for Becky. I never intended to start a business; it was only when I was receiving so many lovely comments on my social media from friends about how nice my food pictures looked. People were commenting as though I had produced Michelin star food – this is when I realised there was a business to help people produce simple, tasty and low-cost meals that look and taste restaurant quality

I am a Food Consultant. I work with people to help with any food barrier they may be facing. Currently, the consultations are virtual with a plan to have the option of Face to Face once we are more stable as a country. I also have a long-term goal to have a cooking retreat. You would be surprised how many people struggle when it comes to food. I have worked with families that are struggling to satisfy fussy eaters, people who live on their own who have gotten into a food rut. I help people with nutrition, reducing food costs, eliminating food waste, introducing new recipes, healthy eating/lifestyle and much more

What do you find most challenging and most rewarding, when running your own business?

Working out what angle I wanted my business to come from. I spent the first few months going back to the drawing board A LOT to establish my brand. I absolutely love and get so much pleasure from helping others and I love that I can build my business around my work 

What would your advice be to any aspiring entrepreneurs?

PLAN PLAN PLAN. Try not to go straight into the DO. I promise it will result in a lot of re-work (trust me)

What’s the secret to career success?

Being real. People, customers are smart. They will tell if you are just trying to sell. I can spot it a mile off and I disengage as soon as I can see that they are trying to build a relationship just for the sale.

Who (or what) do you love to follow on social media?

I love following authentic pages/people. I used to do network marketing, so I know all about the rules of posting consistently, network, attraction etc. For me personally, it’s not real, it’s very robotic. To name a few at the moment is Calm in Box, a lady that’s business and drive is to help people with Calm. The Delectable Garden, a local guy who is just growing and cooking food from passion and of course, Podengo– the page really stood out to me as a lot of the posts are relatable. I don’t follow people/groups who ask for interaction but never interact themselves.

Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us Becky! If you’re reading this and you’re in need of some inspiration in the kitchen, please get in touch with Becky here.

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