On Monday evening, we launched a video project, asking for people to do a COVID-19 video diary, within 1 hour, we had 500 responses. And today, that is over 1500. There is an appetite for research. People are keen to give their point of view.

We’re living in incredible times. And we’re facing equally incredible challenges. I’m a big believer in maintaining momentum and keeping positive. But it’s a tough time, and I know that many friends and colleagues in research, are looking for ways to continue working.

Podengo has always been a remote business, as a team, we’re all set to work remotely. And due to our mix method of recruitment: our own panel, social media, and savvy networking. We’re able to reach over 300K people to take part in research projects, be it online, video or face to face.

I’ve put together a shortlist below, of potential project ideas, at this tricky time. If you have any other suggestions, please send them across. Sharing information and support has never been more important in our industry.

  1. Expert interviews – those traditionally ‘hard to find’ (or hard to pin down) experts, are now readily available. If you’ve put forward a proposal to seek out experts. Now is the time to find them.
  2. Deprivation exercises – no jokes about loo rolls here. But on a serious note, people are dealing with the loss of their favourite brand. Think of any FMCG brand, and it’s likely that people are having to make substitutes or swap outs. Now is the time to track this behaviour.
  3. In-home product tests – people are stuck at home. They’ll be willing to trial new products. Be those physical products or online services. Tap into this. Contact your clients who are on the verge of offering a new online service, or website. And we can help you get the people and run the research.
  4. Online group interviews – people are feeling lonely. The opportunity to chat with people on an online focus group has never been more attractive. With tools such as Zoom, setting up group discussions online has never been easier. And you can interview up to 80 people at any time! If you need any guidance on setting up zoom, I found this handy document: Zoom Guide
  5. Video tasks – this is a surreal time. Documenting it is worthwhile. Tracking people’s behaviour via video is straightforward and easy to do. We work with FieldNotes regularly, and it’s an incredibly user-friendly app.
  6. Video content – If, like me, you’re looking inward, and doing a mini audit of your business. e.g. SEO or website. Then consider vox pops. Video content looks great and really boosts your web presence and SEO. And Podengo can help you to find people, set their tasks and create beautiful content. As per Podengo TV
  7. Online surveys – want to test a hypothesis, or run a quick test on attitudes and behaviour. As mentioned, we can access 300k people, speedily. If you need help with setting up a survey, we can do that for you. Run it with our panel, and within 24-48hours, we can yield 500-1000 responses (depending on the topic). And our prices here are competitive, starting at £150 (+VAT) to launch. Get in touch if you need assistance here.
  8. Webinars – Now is also a good time to catch up with colleagues. Swap ideas. And brush up on knowledge. If you’re looking a great set of webinars, head to Insight Platforms

Above are all just ‘idea starters. I’m sure you’ve had many already. Keeping moving is key at this time. This moment will pass. And Podengo is here if needed for support.

‘Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go and get busy’ – Dale Carnegie

Stay safe and well.

Gemma x

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